Thursday, October 29, 2020




Speaker: Bishop Oriel M Ballano

We are Kingdom people. Don't withdraw yourself from God. Don't let the world be the reason of your withdrawal. Commitment is an eternal action. Never withdraw your action.

Don't let the current situation stop you. The love of God motivates us. We have access to the Kingdom. God and Jesus is the source of all things. Never be independent to God.

1. Never withdraw your commitment
2. Never withdraw your actions
3. Never withdraw your sacrifices
4. Never withdraw your Generosity 
5. Never withdraw your Kingdom Leading

Our Vision:

1. Win, consolidate and discipleship
2. Love the Word of God Worship and World mission.
3. Raise more leaders.
4. Transformation

- The Church will remain unstoppable because it has a role to fulfill.
- When the world is dying and being consumed by darkness, it is the time that it desperately needs the Light!
- Many leaders today withdrew from their commitments to God without realizing that it has a lot of consequences; but a true servant of God never withdraws from his or her commitment.
- Even to the point of death, Jesus never withdrew from His commitment.
- There is no such thing as temporary commitment.
- Our commitment will stay strong as long as we stick to God.
- We are not affected by the pressures of this world, but we are affected by the love of God!
- Regardless of our situation, we will remain generous because that is our Kingdom lifestyle.

Luke 15:20 John 10:10


Speaker: Bishop Herley Montes

Reset back to the original plan of God. Reset your life. The world makes us turn away from God 

Isiah 43:18-19

How to reset our lives and refresh to start a new life.

1. Reset by letting go - forget the former things and do not dwell in the past
2. Let God - He is doing new things, now its springs up; do you not perceive it?
3. Let's go - God is making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.

Matthew 28:19-20 Matthew 24:

COVID 20 - Continue On the Vision of Intentional Discipleship in 2020

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." (Isaiah 43:18-19) 

- "The reason why we're not effective in what we're doing today is because we're still dwelling in our past." - Bs. Herley Montes
- "If you can't let go, you can't let God." - Bs. Herley Montes
- "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" (Matthew 28:19) 
- "God did not only provide us the way but God also provided us the power, the Holy Spirit, who is with us." - Bs. Herley Montes


Speaker: Ptr. Flibert L. Paje

Joshua 3:14-17 Joshua 1:3, 3-6

Avoid being a slave of the current situation. Get out of your comfort zone. Our faith and trust in God will endure forever. Our unknown is not God's unknown. Faith is not a pigment of our imagination. God is the provider of all things.

1. Courage to go past our fears
2. God is good and He is for our good.

God's miracle: 

In the Book of Joshua

Choose to follow God.

"And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come." (Matthew 24:14)
- "Familiarity of our environment leads us to our comfort zone. Let's make it a habit to always challenge ourselves to exceed our limits and potentials." - Ps. Flibert Paje
- "Lost of your soul is the greatest failure of your life." - Ps. Flibert Paje 


John 8:31-32
Speaker: Ptr. ART Sepulveda

Romans 1:16

The Father's plan for humanity is freedom. Everything good is because of freedom from Jesus. Redemption beings freedom that only Jesus Christ can give in every person. We are all a visionary. We are vision runners.
- 2 Corinthians 4:18
- 1 Corinthians 4:9-18

Our dislocated thing in our lives is our freedom.
- 1 John 4:4
- 1 Cor. 3:16

If God tells you to do something uncomfortable, that means He is planning to do something remarkable in His Freedom. 
It takes in position:
1. Having a Pure heart - Teachable, Repeatable, correctable
2. Having a Planted life - be a part of a church (Ps 92)
3. A passionate pursuit for Jesus - your devotion
HOTA - Honest, Open, Transparent, and Accountable

3 characters that a Visionary must have:
1. A visionary must not be silent. (Acts 18:9-10)
2. A visionary perseveres. (2 Chronicles 16:9a)
3. A visionary dares to believe. (Romans 4:18)

4 things of DARE
1. Determination
2. Authority
3. Redemption
4. Expectations
- "The Father's vision for all humanity is about freedom. Anything Jesus had asked us to do is always regarding setting people free." - Ps. Art Sepulveda
- "Our desire and assignment to make disciples is because Jesus wants them to continue to grow in their freedom."  - Ps. Art Sepulveda
- "So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, 'If you abide in My word, you are truly My disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free'.” (John 8:31-22)
- "The Bible says that the enemy's voice is like a roaring lion, seeking who he wants to devour. Let's make a decision that the church will not be devoured." - Ps. Art Sepulveda
- "When God asks you to do something uncomfortable, it's because He wants you to achieve something remarkable." - Ps. Art Sepulveda
- "God has His eyes on you. God's hand is on the nation of the Philippines. This time is your time." - Ps. Art Sepulveda
- "God will bring out that remarkable life only He can give you in His freedom for you to manifest, to influence, and to impact other people's lives." - Ps. Art Sepulveda
- "It takes getting in position to be used by God. Have a pure heart, a planted life, and a passionate pursuit for Jesus." - Ps. Art Sepulveda
- "It's impossible to have a passionate pursuit if you are not a disciple. A disciple must be formed to have passion, and we need the power of the Holy Spirit to do that." - Ps. Art Sepulveda
- "God never asks for a perfect heart, but one who's willing to be corrected and be perfected by Him." - Ps. Art Sepulveda
- "You cannot possess what you're not willing to pursue. You must have that strong determination to get something in order for you to obtain it." - Ps. Art Sepulveda
- "Dare to believe in the God who believes in you." - Ps. Art Sepulveda
- "People usually deny God when they go through trials in life, but Apostle Paul did not allow these trials deny him from the purpose of God." - Ps. Art Sepulveda
- "Expectation is the breeding ground of God's miracle in our lives." - Ps. Art  



Speaker:Ptr Cesar Castellanos

2 Timothy 2:2

The vision goes from 1 generation to the next. We must have disciples for the sake of saving people from sin. We are trained to make disciples as we are Jesus' Disciples. Jesus teaches us so that we
Will have a heart of a father and a mother.

1 Cor. 12:11-12

The effort is shared....

John 20:21-22

Receive the Holy Spirit and the breath of life.. Salvation.....of Romans 10:9 Genesis2:7 God himself transformed us through the Holy Spirit....The holy spirit will control a person's tongue as a sign but The Holy Spirit will take control of your life....Surrender to God.....Jesus Christ is the head of the church.....Even the gates of hell cannot suppress the church....

Our weapon is the Word of God....We will defeat darkness through His word....

1 Peter 2:5

Offer spiritual sacrifices to God through Jesus Christ...We are a living stone upon a rock that is Jesus Christ......

Luke 6:12-14

God's chose us....He didn't choose us as a right of luck....We have a calling....We need a commitment to serve the Lord....Walk im God's perfect will.....Start small until you encountered multitudes.....Be humble and obey Him and God will be with you.....He will use you......

- "God allows us to be in the midst of adversity to experience the manifestation of His Word." - Ps. Cesar Castellanos 
- "You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others." (2 Timothy 2:2 NLT )
- "It doesn’t matter how long or how much we’ve invested in our disciples. They are still God’s possession."  - Ps. Cesar Castellanos
- "When we are able to work as a team, we're able to value each individual as they are." -  Ps. Cesar Castellanos
- "Leaders need to move in accordance with the direction given by the Holy Spirit." - Ps. Cesar Castellanos
-"It is the one and only Spirit who distributes all these gifts. He alone decides which gift each person should have. The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So it is with the body of Christ." (1 Corinthians 12:11-12 NLT)
-"Again He said, 'Peace be with you. As the Father has sent Me, so I am sending you.' Then He breathed on them and said, 'Receive the Holy Spirit.'" (John 20:21-22 NLT) 
-"There is a difference between a Christian that is born through the Holy Spirit from a Christian who just wants to silence his conscience." - Ps. Cesar Castellanos
-"If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." (Romans 10:9 NLT)
-"You have so much potential to offer to the world but it starts with your commitment to your relationship with the Lord." - Ps. Cesar Castellanos 
-"We can say that we started doing the work of God if we are able to influence other people’s lives." - Ps. Cesar Castellanos
-"The vision must be passed on from one generation to another through the team of disciples." - Ps. Cesar Castellanos 
-"God entrusts us with disciples so we could have a heart like Him." - Ps. Cesar 
-"The Holy Spirit holds the baton which demonstrates that the leaders should move in accordance with His leadership."- Ps. Cesar Castellanos 
-"No man can ever tame the tongue. The only One that can transform man through his tongue is the Holy Spirit." - Ps. Cesar Castellanos 
-"When the Holy Spirit wants to control someone's life, He starts it with controlling first the tongue." - Ps. Cesar Castellanos
-"The only One that could withstand the weight of the church is Jesus."- Ps. Cesar Castellanos


Speaker: Ptr Alvin Venzon

We are in a retreat...We should retreat back to God.....Life must be moved forward but will only be understand backwards....Through reflection....A life answers the question of what have you learned today.... 

Psalms 66:12

Things that you encounter everyday:
1. Hurry
2. Noise
3. Crowd

A Whole new world:
1. Retreat
2. Reflection
3. Realization
4. Response

3 things:
1.Swim or sink
2. Do or Die
3. Blessing or Curse

Mabilis Maeahas Radikal Pwersado

Reflection brings quality to our lives.....Abundance.....Abundance is holistic.....if we live in God we will never be harmed.....we will live with the fire but God will be with us...Radical servise to save the church...Radical direction to thrive....Radical change to relevance....Crisis is an accelerator.....Pwersadong paglipat SUNDAY TO EVERYDAY....Church can be everyday and everywhere and on demand and for everyone....The #COVID19 pandemic allows us to innovate church to the community....Pwersadong paglipat from ONSITE TO is a necessity and flexible.....Pwersadong paglipat is TOTOONG MISSION NG SIMBAHAN....Use the wisdom that comes from On High.....all things work together for good.....

Our reflection
1.Trials and tribulations are normal
2. God doesn't deliver us from the fire but He will be with us through the fire.

God brings us with
1. Stronger
2. Richer
3. Wiser
4  more experience

7 last words of a Dying Church:
We've never done it that way before
7 last words of a thriving church:
We must do things like never before.

Romans 8:28

-"Reflection answers the question, 'What have you learned today?'" - Ps. Alvin Venzon
-"As long as we live in this imperfect world, there will be pain and you can be hurt. But if you experience it for God, it will be worth it." - Ps. Alvin Venzon
-God brings us to places:
1. Better than the former.
2. Stronger than before.
3. Richer than ever.
4. Wiser from experience. 

- Ps. Alvin Venzon
-"God is teaching us how to respond properly in the crisis that we have right now." - Ps. Alvin Venzon
-"Christianity is not living in a church venue. Where you reside, there the church exists." - Ps. Alvin Venzon
-"And we know that God causes everything to work together[a] for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." (Romans 8:28 NLT)
-"If we see the necessity, lack of education will never be a problem. We can always make a way to educate ourselves in adapting to the digital era."- Ps. Alvin Venzon


Speaker: Pte Junel Liwanag

Psalms 199:18

God has something in store for you.....God has the best plan for you....Shifted eyes to see the provision.....see what other people cannot see......we do not see a specific solution to our problems....God will make a way and find solution to your problems.....You will no longer be a dry brook.....Passion of Christ...we have hope...The Lord hears our cries....The Lord Jesus Christ is the water of life...

Things that dried out in us:

1. Social life
2. Hopes and dreams
3. Passion
4. Job and Career
5. Business

General 21:15-19
Luke 23:24a
Zechariah 4:9
John 4:13-14

- "Open my eyes to see the wonderful truths in Your instructions." (Psalm 119:18 NLT)
-"The worst situation we could ever be in is when we fail to see what God has already given us." - Ps. Junel Liwanag
-"We put space and distance to the plan and purpose of God for our lives because we do not see a specific solution in our lives. We should see things with a lens of faith and have a clear vision so we can thrive in life." - Ps. Junel Liwanag
-"God never planned you to be a failure. When you have hopes and dreams, your passion for the vision will be stirred up." - Ps. Junel LLiwanag
-"People with great passion will make the impossible happen." - Ps. Junel Liwanag 
-"Do not let your cell group die. Out of that cell group, there will be a nation."- Ps. Junel Liwanag
-"The worst situation we could ever be in is when we fail to see what God has already given us." - Ps. Junel Liwanag
-"We put space and distance to the plan and purpose of God for our lives because we do not see a specific solution in our lives. We should see things with a lens of faith and have a clear vision so we can thrive in life."  - Ps. Junel Liwanag
-"God never planned you to be a failure. When you have hopes and dreams, your passion for the vision will be stirred up." - Ps. Junel Liwanag 
-"People with great passion will make the impossible happen." - Ps. Junel Liwanag 
-"Do not let your cell group die. Out of that cell group, there will be a nation."- Ps. Junel Liwanag


Speaker: Zekie Coscolluela

You develop intimate relationship with God through our prayers......our life and leadership depends on the intimate relationship with God......Prayer is the way of communicating with the Lord as a sign of humility.....being a cell leader is not easy....we need the help of God in our lives.....the day you stop your prayers is the day you declare your independence to God....prayer is non negotiable....have a mind like the Word of God everyday....God is a believer of His people and He has best interest in them.....1 word from God can change everything.....The word of God is the manna from heaven...Have Godly characteristics.....Mold our lives towards Christ like characteristics....change begins in us before others.....Have a heart of a parent to your for your disciples....we grow through the help of the Holy Spirit.....pray and develop ears....

1. The cell leader is a person of prayer.(Jeremiah 33:3)
2. The cell leader is the person of the  word. (2 Timothy 3:15)
3. The cell leader must be patient. (2 Peter 1:5-7)
4. The cell leader must be a person who cares. (1 Timothy 1:2) (Titus 1:4)
5. The cell leader must be a person of vision, must dream of healthy, growing cell groups multiplication. (Proverbs 29:18)

-“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” (Jeremiah 33:3)
-"As cell leaders, our leadership depends on our intimate relationship with God." - Ps. Zekie Coscolluela 
-"Prayer is an expression of our humility and dependence on God." - Ps. Zekie Coscolluela 
-"The day you stop maintaining a life of prayer is the day you stop your dependence with God." - Ps. Zekie Coscolluela 
-"It is difficult to give up our family and work responsibilities that when we go through difficulties in life, the first thing that we let go is our responsibility in the ministry. We should never ever let go of the ministry if we want real blessings to come over our lives." - Ps. Zekie Coscolluela
-"When we study the Word of God, we begin to think the way God thinks." - Ps. Zekie Coscolluela
-"When there is no vision, the people will perish. When there is vision, the people flourish." - Ps. Zekie Coscolluela
-"For us to be patient with others, sometimes we must ask ourselves, 'Where would I be if my cell leader was not patient with me?'" - Ps. Zekie Coscolluela
-"Let us dream and pray together for better and growing cell groups." - Ps. Zekie Coscolluela



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