Friday, October 30, 2020



Speaker: Ptr. Herley Montes

"God wants to change our mindset from maintenance to growth. He wants us to have a continuously growing cell and not to stay small." - Bs. Herley Montes 

"If we, leaders, grow spiritually, our church will grow numerically. Before we could grow numerically, we must first grow in our spiritual maturity." - Bs. Herley Montes

"Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you." (Romans 12:2)  

"The success of the vision depends on the culture of the church. The culture of the church starts with its pastor." - Bs. Herley Montes

"The problem is not the vision, nor the strategy, the problem is our culture that eats up our strategy." - Bs. Herley Montes

"Our mindset greatly affects us in realizing our maximum potential." 
- Bs. Herley Montes 

"It is not hard to make decisions in life if you know your priority. We should give value to our priority and have clear vision for our lives." - Bs. Herley Montes

"Do not become so well-adjusted on your culture; instead, fix your eyes on God who can change you and make you grow." - Bs. Herley Montes 

"We must not just grow in quantity, we must also grow in quality." - Bs Herley Montes 

"When your culture is changed, your values are changed."
- Bs. Herley Montes

Speaker: Ptr. Filbert Paje

"To be a great leader you should be having a compelling purpose. You need to have a strong burden in your heart to continue doing your purpose. It must be stronger than your fears, excuses, and any obstacle in life." - Ps. Flibert Paje

"Great life starts when it is committed to having a great cause." -Ps. Flibert Paje

"A clear perception can only be obtained when we ask God for it."
- Ps. Flibert Paje

"If people are falsely accusing you, you don't need to respond with a lengthy defense." - Ps. Flibert Paje

"It is never the will of God for you to run away from your difficulties; instead, He wants you to face them by pursuing the best He wants for you." - Ps. Flibert Paje

"Just because you are courageous does not mean you are not afraid. Courage is not the absence of fear, it is moving ahead in spite of fear." - Ps. Filbert Paje

Speaker: Bs. Oriel M Ballano

Nobody knows how to read and write right after being born. All the skills and abilities are to be acquired intentionally. We must leverage the skills we have to be more competent.

Gospel community is a permanent community.

Cell groups will die if there is no care. If you care, you need to share your knowledge and strategy to your people.

A healthy cell group has focus and one priority. Our main focus should be to start and launch a new cell group.

A healthy cell group has focus and one priority. Our main focus should be to start and launch a new cell group.

During this pandemic, a lot of people have become wounded, gone astray, and even weaker. That is why this season demands leaders that are ultra-competent.

When you are competent, you become confident.

Your cell group will not survive in this time of pandemic if you continue to use your old skills and strategies.

Gospel community is your permanent community.

Leveraging your leadership means adding new skills, abilities, and increasing your expertise in your cell leadership.

Sharing your leadership with your team is very important in taking care of the people. If you do it only by yourself, it will lead to giving inadequate love and development towards these people.

A changed life happens best inside the cell group.

Learn to leave your ninety-nine--your family, your work, and any other priorities you have, just to rescue that one single soul whom God so loves.

If we want to start growth in our church, we must start it within the cell group.

Let your compassion lead you to do great action.

A leader must learn how to operate behind the scenes by coming up with effective strategies that could set everything and everyone in the church in motion.



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