We know that we all get excited when our conference is just around the corner. Especially when IDs are being distributed. Well, don't worry!
Save the picture of our virtual ID below, share it through your social media accounts, and in two days, let us all gather and receive the fruitfulness in all aspects through God's Word on our G12PH National Conference 2021.
Heads up to all of our attendees for this upcoming #G12PHBeFruitful21 National Conference!
We know how thrilled you are to join this year's anticipated National Conference. We can see how your hearts are filled with excitement right now. Make sure to register all your disciples until 6PM today (October 27)!
Here's our schedule for this 3-day conference:
October 28 & 29 (Thursday & Friday)
- For Days 1 and 2, streaming will start at 12NN.
- Afternoon sessions are from 2PM to 5PM.
- Evening sessions are from 6PM to 9PM.
October 30 (Saturday)
- For Day 3, streaming will start at 7AM.
- Morning sessions are from 10AM to 12NN.
- Afternoon sessions are from 1PM to 5PM.
Please be guided accordingly. See you and your friends virtually!
Don't miss this opportunity to learn and grow your relationship with God. Mobilize all your cell leaders, cell members, and invites!
Doing the vision requires a right heart before the Lord. We do it because we want God to be glorified in our lives. Out of our gratefulness to Him, we unite with Him as we fulfil the Great Commission. Our obedience would eventually make us fruitful not just in our ministry, but also in other aspects of our lives.
Let us have open hearts, ears, and minds as we listen and learn from our speakers:
Ps. Cesar Castellanos
Bs. Oriel Ballano
Ps. Bert Pretorius
Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
Ps. Art Sepulveda
And also, the G12 PH National team will speak there, too!
Surely, this will be a different conference -- so expect great revelations from the Lord and be prepared to receive more than what you could ask for!
Hey there, delegates! Here are some house rules for our online event to make sure everyone maximizes this opportunity:
1. Set up and make your surrounding conducive for the conference. Look for a quiet place with no sources of distraction.
2. Fully charge your devices.
3. Secure a good and stable internet connection.
4. Know the schedule details of the event.
5. Make sure your invites are also connected.
6. Multiple streaming using the same account is not allowed. Only one device is allowed for every account. Otherwise, you will be logged out from your other device/s.
7. Lastly, take group shots while you and your family watch at home. Post them online and share about your experience!
Enjoy each session in this once-a-year gathering of G12 churches in the country. Influence the people around you, and together, let us all "BE FRUITFUL" for the glory of God and the honor of His great Name!
Hello, G12PH Family!
The long wait is over! The much-awaited 2021 G12PH National Online Conference: Be Fruitful is streaming today. Let's get ready and excited to gather each and everyone as we start the 3-day Conference to listen and learn from our national and international leaders in the Vision.
Let's stream only via g12philippines.net.
If you know how to grab the opportunity that God gives, you can be fruitful. #G12PHBeFruitful21
Most of our life-changing events happen during our walk with God. #G12PHBeFruitful21
Many people find themselves stuck in their situation and fruitless in this pandemic season. Do not think that God doesn't care about your current situation.
A breakthrough can happen to you at any moment in your life. Jesus can intentionally come to you wherever you are.
A breakthrough can happen to you at any moment in your life. Jesus can intentionally come to you wherever you are.
Jesus came not to make us feel better but to make us well -- to give us a new heart and a changed life.
Jesus did not ask the paralyzed man if he wanted to feel good; Jesus asked him if he wanted to get well. Let us go beyond the feel-good Christianity; let us pursue Christlikeness.
God won't come to you and encourage you, but He will make you well so that you will be fruitful and multiply.
Why are you seeking help from men when, in fact, God is there in front of you, ready to unstuck you from your situation?
You are stuck because you always think you have no one to help you.
You will not be fruitful in all aspects of your life when you blame others for your situation.
You will be stuck when you think that your situation will never change.
Sometimes God will introduce Himself using your situation, and He'll come to end your misery. Your misery is the start of a miracle.
When God gives you a command, don't underestimate that because that is the beginning of your breakthrough.
Get up and pick your mat. Let your faith rise, begin to walk, and move forward to fulfill God's plan in your life.
God comes to you so that you can start to rely on Him.
"Now there was a famine in the land—besides the previous famine in Abraham’s time—and Isaac went to Abimelek king of the Philistines in Gerar. Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfold, because the Lord blessed him." (Genesis 26:1, 12)
"They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do." (Psalm 1:3)
"In order for you to bear fruit, you must be planted and deeply rooted." -- Bs Herley Montes
"Pandemic is not an excuse for you to stop bearing fruit." -- Bs Herley Montes
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay1
"God would like us to be productive even in the midst of pandemic. He is expecting us to be fruitful." -- Bs Herley Montes
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay1
"Be planted wherever God has planted you. You've got to stay there at the house of the Lord, your local church." -- Bs Herley Montes
"To stay alive spiritually, we must always be exposed to the presence of God." -- Bs Herley Montes
"Eventually, when you are not rooted in the house of the Lord, chances are you are going to die." -- Bs Herley Montes
"Without the blessing of the Lord, we can never be fruitful. What did God bless us with? Of course, He blessed us with a seed. But He didn't command us to be seedful; He commanded us to be fruitful." -- Bs Herley Montes
"God can use those trials; He can use those compost, 'dirt in our lives -- humiliations,' in order to strengthen us -- our spiritual phosphorus." -- Bs Herley Montes
"It’s very important to strengthen our character. Our faith becomes stronger when we overcome challenges in our lives." -- Bs Herley Montes
"We need to be aware of our failures and how they affected our lives because God will use them to strengthen us." -- Bs Herley Montes
"We need to be aware of our failures and how they affected our lives because God will use them to strengthen us." -- Bs Herley Montes
"What kind of tree are you? Are you a good kind of tree or a bad tree?" -- Bs Herley Montes
"If you are a good kind of tree, then you will produce a good kind of fruit. You will produce your kind." -- Bs Herley Montes
"In view of all this, make every effort to respond to God’s promises. Supplement your faith with a generous provision of moral excellence, and moral excellence with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with patient endurance, and patient endurance with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love for everyone. The more you grow like this, the more productive and useful you will be in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But those who fail to develop in this way are shortsighted or blind, forgetting that they have been cleansed from their old sins." (2 Peter 1:5-9)
"You will lose vision if you don't supplement yourself." -- Bs Herley Montes
"The least of you will become a thousand, the smallest a mighty nation. I am the Lord; in its time I will do this swiftly.” (Isaiah 60:22)
"A seed has the potential of being a forest. Never underestimate the power of one seed." -- Bs Herley Montes
"Growth will always invite conflict, and conflict will introduce ideas." -- Bs. Ancho Buenaventura
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay1
"Conflicts can introduce you to who you are. Conflicts invite God's intervention in your life." --Bs. Ancho Buenaventura
"Pain and problem are not evil. But our inability and unwillingness to see the reason behind our pain is."-- Bs. Ancho Buenaventura
"Pain, conflict, and problem are opportunities to let and see God move in your life." -- Bs. Ancho Buenaventura
"Anytime we have conflicts or problems, don’t be afraid. God doesn’t allow us to go through those without a good reason." -- Bs. Ancho Buenaventura
"No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can endure it." (1 Corinthians 10:13)
"Keep trusting the Lord even if you are in the 'prison.' Keep dreaming the dream of God for you." -- Bs. Ancho Buenaventura
"If you're avoiding all kinds of pain, you are avoiding growth. Pain will teach you to depend on God." -- Bs. Ancho Buenaventura
"When we put our trust in God, regardless of what happens, we will always come out victorious." -- Bs. Ancho Buenaventura
"When we put our trust in God, regardless of what happens, we will always come out victorious." -- Bs. Ancho Buenaventura
Breakthrough doesn't come easy. We need to work for it. We cannot depend only on ourselves or on other people to make that happen. We need to depend fully on God. Jesus sees your situation. He sees how stuck you are and He's not ignoring you. He'll come at the right time and at the right moment, but be sure you are prepared to respond.
"A breakthrough can happen to you at any moment in your life. Jesus can intentionally come to you wherever you are." - Bishop Oriel M. Ballano
We must not only be God-oriented but also growth-oriented and goal-oriented.
"God blessed them and said to them, 'Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.'" (Genesis 1:28)
As you go through your life, make it aligned to God's promise, plans, and standards.
We are not the ones who go with the trend, but we are the ones who set the trend that is aligned to the principles, progress, and plans of God.
Strive to live by the revelational knowledge from the Word of God.
"You will not only survive, but you will thrive in the midst of this pandemic. ‘Surthrivers’ must be stable." - Ps. Junel Liwanag
"There is no way for you to become fruitful, to thrive, or to flourish when you are unstable." - Ps. Junel Liwanag
"The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green, proclaiming, 'The Lord is upright; He is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in Him.'” (Psalm 92:12-15)
"Let us assess ourselves if we are continually living a Godly life. The way we are going to thrive depends on our relationship with God." - Ps. Junel Liwanag
"Palm trees can flourish while others wither. Be like a palm tree that even when it's facing greatest heat, it will always flourish." - Ps. Junel Liwanag
3 Things to be a 'Surthriver':
1. Be Stable
2. Be Settled
3. Be Stretched
- Ps. Junel Liwanag
"Spiritual stability is essential because it is the requirement for fruitfulness. " - Ps. Junel Liwanag
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay1
"The enemy of the vision is being consistently inconsistent." - Ps. Junel Liwanag
"Never operate with what you feel and think; operate in the Spirit of God inside of you." - Ps. Junel Liwanag
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay1
"Don't be a victim of your emotions because they can rob your excellence." - Ps. Junel Liwanag
"'Surthrivers' always fulfill what they are committed to do. When you commit, be willing to do it." - Ps. Junel Liwanag
"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." (Colossians 2:6-7)
"If you want to become fruitful, you need to be settled, rooted in Christ, grounded in the Word, and established in your faith." - Ps. Junel Liwanag
"We cannot embrace God's stretching until our heart is settled." - Ps. Junel Liwanag
"Storms and problems will come, but God's protection is around us--we will not break." - Ps. Junel Liwanag
"When you are not stable, there is a tendency that you will ruin what God planted in you. " - Ps. Junel Liwanag
G12 Family, we are trending no. 1 on Twitter on our #G12PHBeFruitfulDay1!
Continue to share what we learned through our social media accounts and continue to be strengthened by the Word of God.
"Unless we are stable, we are not yet ready for fruitfulness. But once we are stable and settled, God can stretch us to our maximum potential." - Ps. Junel Liwanag
"Exponential growth happens when the whole family is involved in the vision." - Ps. Cesar Castellanos
"One of the things that God pre-established for us is fruitfulness." - Ps. Cesar Castellanos
"Being fruitful means the seed of holiness planted in us will grow." - Ps. Cesar Castellanos
"The Lord needs people who will become part of His team. They are people who will absolutely renounce everything so the Spirit of God could flow through them, and will be able to bring other people in God's presence." - Ps. Cesar Castellanos
"The Lord needs people who will become part of His team. They are people who will absolutely renounce everything so the Spirit of God could flow through them, and will be able to bring other people in God's presence." - Ps. Cesar Castellanos
"The Lord needs people who will become part of His team. They are people who will absolutely renounce everything so the Spirit of God could flow through them, and will be able to bring other people in God's presence." - Ps. Cesar Castellanos
"The Lord needs people who will become part of His team. They are people who will absolutely renounce everything so the Spirit of God could flow through them, and will be able to bring other people in God's presence." - Ps. Cesar Castellanos
"Growth and multiplication come through a promise. God gave Abraham the promise not when they were many, but when he was one." - Ps. Cesar Castellanos
"Growth and multiplication come through a promise. God gave Abraham the promise not when they were many, but when he was one." - Ps. Cesar Castellanos
"Growth and multiplication come through a promise. God gave Abraham the promise not when they were many, but when he was one." - Ps. Cesar Castellanos
"Growth and multiplication come through a promise. God gave Abraham the promise not when they were many, but when he was one." - Ps. Cesar Castellanos
"You can impart a blessing to others when you experience the same blessing in your personal life." - Ps. Cesar Castellanos
"To the Jews who had believed Him, Jesus said, 'If you hold to my teaching, you are really My disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.'" (John 8:31-32)
"Success is not our ability but the ability that God has given us to lead people. " - Ps. Cesar Castellanos
"Jesus chose the humble and ordinary men to do extraordinary things." - Ps. Cesar Castellanos
"Regardless of how long you have been unfruitful before, you will be fruitful as you abide in God." " - Ps. Cesar Castellanos
"Regardless of how long you have been unfruitful before, you will be fruitful as you abide in God." " - Ps. Cesar Castellanos
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." (Matthew 7:7)
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." (Matthew 7:7)
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." (Matthew 7:7)
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." (Matthew 7:7)
"They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven." (Acts 2:3-5)
"Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out My Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy." (Acts 2:18)
"Sanctification is something that the enemy always distracts to lead many people to destruction. Growth with sanctification is God’s strategy to make many people come in through the gates of salvation." - Ps. Cesar Castellanos
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay1
"It doesn't matter if we are going through trials or difficulties. What matters is the joy that is within every one of us. " - Ps. Cesar Castellanos
We must continue to have faith that there is nothing impossible for God. We must always believe He can outdo what we ask from Him.
"Jesus has set an example for us so we could follow His steps." - Ps. Cesar Castellanos
Jesus does not offer temporary comfort, but He gives permanent healing over our situation. Let us accept the healing He is offering right now and move toward His great plan over our lives.
"Jesus came not to make us feel better but to make us well--to give us a new heart and a changed life." - Bishop Oriel M. Ballano"
"Disciples should always be committed amidst crisis." - Bs. Felix Labang
"Some people withdrew from their commitment because of the crisis they experienced. Don’t let any crisis weaken your commitments." - Bs. Felix Labang
"From that time many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more. Then Jesus said to the twelve, 'Do you also want to go away?' But Simon Peter answered Him, 'Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. Also we have come to believe and know that You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.' Jesus answered them, 'Did I not choose you, the twelve, and one of you is a devil?' He spoke of Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon, for it was he who would betray Him, being one of the twelve."
(John 6:66-71 NKJV)
"From that time many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more. Then Jesus said to the twelve, 'Do you also want to go away?' But Simon Peter answered Him, 'Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. Also we have come to believe and know that You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.' Jesus answered them, 'Did I not choose you, the twelve, and one of you is a devil?' He spoke of Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon, for it was he who would betray Him, being one of the twelve."
(John 6:66-71 NKJV)
"From that time many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more. Then Jesus said to the twelve, 'Do you also want to go away?' But Simon Peter answered Him, 'Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. Also we have come to believe and know that You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.' Jesus answered them, 'Did I not choose you, the twelve, and one of you is a devil?' He spoke of Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon, for it was he who would betray Him, being one of the twelve."
(John 6:66-71 NKJV)
"From that time many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more. Then Jesus said to the twelve, 'Do you also want to go away?' But Simon Peter answered Him, 'Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. Also we have come to believe and know that You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.' Jesus answered them, 'Did I not choose you, the twelve, and one of you is a devil?' He spoke of Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon, for it was he who would betray Him, being one of the twelve."
(John 6:66-71 NKJV)
"Are we going to remain as disciples from beginning to the end? God is looking for people who can commit to staying. " - Bs. Felix Labang
"Don't just be a disciple committed at the start, but be committed until the end."
- Bs. Felix Labang
"A disciple both in word and in deed recognizes that he or she has nowhere to go except Jesus." - Bs. Felix Labang
"Like Peter, if we recognize who Jesus truly is - that He is the source of everything, we will be convinced that there is no life apart from Him." - Bs. Felix Labang
"If we expose ourselves to the Word of God, then in whatever crisis we may go through, we can stay committed to Jesus until the end." - Bs. Felix Labang
"The Word of Life Peter heard from Jesus brought life to him; that's why he could persevere and stay committed to the Lord in the midst of his most challenging times." - Bs. Felix Labang
"Peter stayed committed until the end because he witnessed everything that Jesus did. And just like Peter, we must expose ourselves to God's Word and His works." - Bs. Felix Labang
"A disciple both in word and in deed is someone who stands up for the Word of God that he believes in." - Bs. Felix Labang
"Like Peter, a true disciple is someone who is convinced that Jesus is the Messiah, the deliverer and the Savior of the world." - Bs. Felix Labang
Qualities of a Committed Disciple:
1. Disciple to the end.
2. Disciple in both word and in deed.
- Bs. Felix Labang
Disciples both in word and in deed...
1. Recognize the fact that we have nowhere to go apart from Jesus Christ.
2. Recognize the fact that Jesus alone have the Words to eternal life.
3. Recognize the fact that Jesus is the Messiah, the promised Savior of the world.
- Bs. Felix Labang
"You who have made me see many troubles and calamities will revive me again; from the depths of the earth you will bring me up again. You will increase my greatness and comfort me again." (Psalm 71:20-21)
"God is the only One who can fill the emptiness in your heart." - Ps. Rafy Panlilio
"As for you also, because of the blood of my covenant with you, I will set your prisoners free from the waterless pit. Return to your stronghold, O prisoners of hope; today I declare that I will restore to you double." (Zechariah 9:11-12)
"God can give back to you double what you’ve lost before." - Ps. Rafy Panlilio
"We are living because of our heavenly purposes not for worldly things." - Ps. Rafy Panlilio
"Even if we went through something and had losses, it doesn't mean that the battle is over." - Ps. Rafy Panlilio
"Your ‘why’ will determine which ‘ex’ you want to recover most." - Ps. Rafy Panlilio
Lf mga ka-samgyupsal HAHAHAHA!
Natakot ka nga nung nawalan ka ng panlasa pero nung nawalan ka na ng gana kay Lord, parang wala lang?
Natakot ka nga nung uminit yung temperature mo pero nung nanlamig ka na kay Lord, okay lang yun?
Fast-food churches? Where do I sign up? Face with tears of joy
G12 Hugot
Revive me again
Bring me up again
Comfort me again
- Ps. Rafy Panlilio
"Only God can fill out empty voids."- Ps. Rafy Panlilio
By the grace of God, I will recover my exes!
Crisis ka lang, disciple ako.
Crisis ka lang, may Word ako.
Crisis ka lang, may Lord ako.
"God gives us churches not just for us to hear His Word, but they exist to recover the passion of people in Him." - Ps. Rafy Panlilio
"Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near." (Hebrews 10:22-25 ESV)
"If you do not have fire, you will have fear. But a person who is on fire is not fearful. He will still do what the Lord wants him to do." - Ps. Rafy Panlilio
What we become is what is being reproduced in our lives. We have to carefully follow the principles of the Bible and strive to become Christlike. When we have the same DNA of Jesus, we produce good deeds, become fruitful, and have the same heart for the lost.
"If you are a good kind of tree, then you will produce a good kind of fruit. You will produce your kind." - Bs. Herley Montes
By the grace of God I will...
1. Recover my exes (losses)
2. Recover my whys (purpose)
3. Recover my zest (zeal for God)
- Ps. Rafy Panlilio
May it be good or bad circumstances, God can utilize it. We have faith that God can use these situations to make us strong and further advance His Kingdom.
"God can use those trials; God can use those compost, 'dirt' in our lives--humiliations, in order to strengthen us -- our spiritual phosphorus." - Bs. Herley Montes
In whatever place you are in right now, even in the darkest of places, believe that God has put you there for a reason. Just continue hoping only in Him because He will never leave your side and He will surely free you from the 'prison' you are in.
"Keep trusting the Lord even if you are in the 'prison'. Keep dreaming the dream of God for you." - Bs. Ancho Buenaventura
"To stay alive spiritually, we must always be exposed to the presence of God." - Bs. Ancho Buenaventura"
What a fruitful day for our #G12PHBeFruitfulDay1! Keep on sharing and posting your takeaways using your social media accounts and see you all virtually for our day 2 of our #G12PHBeFruitful21!
A strong foundation and a "deep rooting system" for our faith is necessary if we want to thrive and flourish. We need to be rooted in Christ so that His character will be displayed through us. Always remember that there's no way you can become fruitful if you're not settled in your faith. Being stable is not enough; you also need to be settled in Christ and Him alone.
"If you want to become fruitful, you need to be settled, rooted in Christ, grounded in the Word, and established in your faith." - Ps. Junel Liwanag
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay1
Being unstable is being double-minded. We can't reach our full potential if we're always undecided about anything. Therefore, we must rely on God and His Word as our guide on how we should make decisions. Let us soak ourselves in God's presence because only in Him will our hearts and minds find harmony, avoiding instability.
"When your heart, mind, and spirit are stable, all of you are stable, you are settled. And when you are settled, God can stretch you to your maximum potential." - Ps. Junel Liwanag #G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay1
John 6: 1-71 Job 42:1-5
Disciples of the Lord not of the World
Thw World
1. Actions are always reactions
2. They are based on facts not truth.
1. Always acting on God's commands
2. They are basing on the truth.
Disciple of the LORD not of the Devil
A disciple of the world always reacts to the Word of the Lord." - Bs. Felix Labang
"Be a disciple of the Lord, and not of the world." - Bs. Felix Labang
-Bishop Felix Labang
Discipleship is not about merely serving or being part of a cell group.
It is sitting at the feet of Jesus, living our life in sorrow out of genuine repentance, and having a personal encounter with the Lord.
Personal encounter with God results to genuine repentance.
A disciple of the world keeps on reacting because their hearts are full of questions and not devotions." - Bs. Felix Labang
Disciple of the Lord for a reason not for a season.
We must be a Disciple of the Lord for a reason not for a season.
John 6:6
By Ps @Felix Labang
Disciple of the Lord for a reason, not for a season.
"Qualities of a Committed Disciple"
1.) Disciple to the End.
2.) Disciple in both Word and in Deed.
3.) Disciple of the Word, not of the World.
4.) Disciple of the Lord, not of the devil.
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
You are not a seasonal disciple!
"Being a disciple is not going with the flow, but it’s having our life broken and surrendered in sorrow and repentance at the feet of the Lord." - Bs. Felix Labang
"It is not the years of staying and leading the church or fellowshipping with people that will make you a disciple; it is about sitting at the feet of Jesus with a broken heart. "- Bs. Felix Labang
"Being a disciple of the Lord is not dependent upon the position you are in right now." - Bs. Felix Labang
"It is possible to become a disciple of the Lord but eventually become a disciple of the devil." - Bs. Felix Labang
Until we encounter God on a personal level, we would not experience true discipleship.
Wag po tayong maging disciple for a season. Dapat DISCIPLE FOR ALL SEASONS!
"It is not the years of staying and leading the church or fellowshipping with people that will make you a disciple; it is about sitting at the feet of Jesus with a broken heart. "- Bs. Felix Labang
"Discipleship is having an encounter with Jesus in a personal way." - Bs. Felix Labang
"Let us be a true disciple of the Lord, seated at the feet of Jesus, with a broken heart -- turned into pieces, in sorrow, and in genuine repentance." - Bs. Felix Labang
"My ears had heard of You but now my eyes have seen You. Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes.” (Job 42:5-6)
"Let us assess the authenticity of our commitment to God." - Bs. Felix Labang
"Until we experience a personal encounter with God, we will not experience real discipleship." - Bs. Felix Labang
5. Disciple of the Lord for a reason not for a season.
* Rational disciples; like Peter
- Bs. Felix Labang
Qualities of a Committed Disciple
1. Disciple to the end.
2. Disciple in both word and in deed.
3. Disciple of the Word not of the world.
4. Disciple of the Lord not of the devil.
- Bs. Felix Labang
by Ptr. Felix Labang
1. Disciple to the END
2. Disciple in BOTH WORD and IN DEED
3. Disciple of the WORD, not of the world
4. Disciple of the Lord, not of the devil.
5. Disciple for a REASON, not for a season.
"It’s a different experience to encounter God in a personal way than hearing about Him from what other people say." - Bs. Felix Labang
"A true disciple is someone who has a genuine encounter with the Lord, and won't turn back nor let go of God's assignment. " - Bs. Felix Labang
"Don't be a seasonal disciple, but be a disciple until the end. Be a disciple of the Lord for a reason, not for a season." - Bs. Felix Labang
"Seasonal disciples follow God when things are convenient and easy, but will always withdraw their commitment when things get hard and uncomfortable." - Bs. Felix Labang
Qualities of a Committed Disciple:
1. Disciple to the end.
2. Disciple both in word and in deed.
3. Disciple of the Word, not of the world.
4. Disciple of the Lord, not of the devil.
5. Disciple of the Lord for a reason, not for a season.
"We are not a disciple for a season who is just committed periodically, but a consistent disciple in all seasons. " - Bs. Felix Labang
"Being a disciple is not easy. We must not follow the Lord at our own convenience; instead, we follow Him in whatever season we are in." - Bs. Felix Labang
"True disciples receive a personal revelation about who Jesus really is." - Bs. Felix Labang
"A rational disciple will always have a compelling reason why they serve and follow God." - Bs. Felix Labang
"A rational disciple will always have a compelling reason why they serve and follow God." - Bs. Felix Labang
"The revelation from God will help you overcome your hard situation." - Bs. Felix Labang
"Simon Peter answered Him, 'Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and to know that You are the Holy One of God.'” (John 6:68-69)
"You won’t last long in the ministry if you don’t really know why you’re serving God." - Bs. Felix Labang
Ps Geraldine Ballano
"You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others." (2 Timothy 2:1-2)
"It is God who selected and appointed us; that is why our lives must be aligned to God's standard."
Ptr. Jeorge Andres Catano
1. Established discipline on your life
1 Cor9 :24-27
2. Stop doing unproductive things
3. Empowering other people
Steps You Need to Take in Order to be Fruitful:
1. Establish discipline in your life.
2. Stop doing unproductive things.
3. Empower other people.
James 1:16
"Disciplined people are conditioned to win." - Ps Jorge Andres Catano
Take the Word to become fruitful. We are the kind of warrior who are disciplined and righteous.
#G12PHBeFruitfulDay2 #G12PHBeFruitful21
If you want to be a warrior begin to worship God now.
"God wants us to be effective, and therefore we need to have that same mindset in keeping ourselves healthy." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
"We will reap the fruit of all our sacrifices and the things we refrain from doing to protect our spiritual life." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
"Spending time with God is a moment where He can remind you about the things you must do." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
"A disciplined person never depends on good luck. It’s all about training and preparation." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
"God doesn't give you good luck in preaching the Word of God; it is about being disciplined in His presence. As the result of that preparation, the Holy Spirit will fill and remind you of what you have received from Him." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
If you want to be the greatest warrior then be the greatest worshipper." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
When we have the discipline of fearing God. We discipline ourselves from doing thins that are unpleasant to God.
You become a disciplined person by taking small steps
Hwag mag rely sa swerte kung maging Disciple. It is a consistent discipline. It starts with small consistent steps. In the end you will bear fruit for the Glory of God.
#G12PHBeFruitfulDay2 #G12PHBeFruitful21
Discipline is not making big leaps but taking baby steps.
You become a disciplined person when you start doing little steps everyday.
"God is preparing you to become a mighty warrior that will cut off the head of major giants." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
Focused people they don’t hit the air, they hit the mark.
Being fruitful doesn't happen overnight.
"David’s victory toward Goliath is not ‘luck’, but it’s the fruit of his preparation and spiritual discipline." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
"You don’t need to look too macho or too tough. What you need to do is to have the heart of a worshiper, because real worshipers worship God in spirit and in truth." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
Highly successful people are disciplined people.
"You don’t need to look too macho or too tough. What you need to do is to have the heart of a worshiper, because real worshipers worship God in spirit and in truth." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
God speaks to us during our devotion. Take the notes of His words. Remember His character. Imitate it and your life will be transformed
#G12PHBeFruitfulDay2 #G12PHBeFruitful21
You become a disciplined person by taking small consistent steps. Ps
Highly successful people are highly disciplined people.
"Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." (James 5:16)
"Righteous people always ‘hit the mark’ of everything they’ve prayed for." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
You don't need to look like a tough warrior, you have to be a true worshiper in Spirit and in truth.
Maybe you lead just a few sheep right now but as you are faithful in the few that God has entrusted you, God is preparing you to do great things in the future.
Ptr. Jorge Andres Catano
1 Corinthians 9:25-27 NKJV
1. Establish discipline in your life.
2. Stop doing unproductive things.
3. Empower other people.
Devotional life is really important, because, it is the how God is talking to us.
"Highly disciplined people will make you stay away from doing foolish things." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
Discipline requires daily commitment of taking up your cross to follow Jesus.
No one may see the behind the scenes and know the price you paid, but the result will never betray all that you have invested for the Lord.
Success is not taking a big major step but it is taking consistent little steps of discipline closer towards our dreams, goals, and vision for the Kingdom of God.
"Discipline will prepare your heart as it costs you to make sacrifices." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
"David was prepared to defeat Goliath because he was trained to fight lions and bears while protecting his sheep. The seemingly small things become our discipline today that prepares us for what's ahead." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
It's hard to be disciplined, but what's harder is to let time pass. And you will just regret it.
"Discipline will help us live a goal-focused life. We will not end up hitting the air but end up hitting every one of our goals.”-- Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
Be like a biker. Take away the weight to become lighter. The same way we take away the burdens in our lives in order to move forward and preach the Message of Hope which is Jesus.
#G12PHBeFruitfulDay2 #G12PHBeFruitful21
It's hard to be disciplined, but what's harder is to let time pass. And you will just regret it.
"Discipline will help us live a goal-focused life. We will not end up hitting the air but end up hitting every one of our goals.”-- Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
Establish discipline in your life
-Pastor Jorge Andres Catano
"Highly disciplined people are not afraid of risks. They take baby steps, little by little, getting closer and closer to the goal of establishing the Kingdom of God here on earth." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
"Let go of the things that gives us burden in our life"
Get rid of anything that will keep you from ascending with greater freedom.
"Being fruitful doesn't just happen overnight; it starts with little steps that we consistently take every single day."- Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
We can't just live a life of entertainment. Learn to sacrifice things to bring Jesus' hope and love to those who are suffering. #G12PHBeFruitful21
"There’s never been an undisciplined person who goes from glory to glory. They always go through defeat upon defeat." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
Time is one of your greatest assets.
Do what is important and necessary.
Mt 7:21
We cannot just continue living entertaining lives when there are thousands living in outside the life God has planned for them. That's vanity. What we need to do is to reach out to our neighbors, preach the Gospel, and speak life and truth.
Stop living such comfortable lives. Learn to sacrifice certain things in your life.
"It is our consistencies that will pay the price in obtaining amazing results. "- Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
"Your discipline will get you closer and closer to whatever you want to achieve for God’s glory." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
Stop sleeping so muchGrinning face with smiling eyes natamaan ako dun ahh HAHAHA
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2.
There's nothing more powerful than the blood that Jesus shed when the corona was placed on His head.
Because of the Corona that was put on Jesus' head, the Corona virus is destroyed already.
"Get out there and be productive*
This is not about being church people, this is about being a true disciple.
"It is impossible for us to have the character of Christ if we are not disciplined in seeking Him every single day." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
Don't let the fire go down by doing unnecessary things.
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
2 Tim 2:2 Matthew 28:19-20
"As you are forming the discipline today, God is preparing you for great conquests ahead." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
God doesn't want members, He wants Disciple in His Church.
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
"Take time to pray individually or in a group or with your family, and do it consistently." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
If we do not empower others, we become the greatest hindrance to the Great Commission.
Stop calling people friends if they are not a true disciple. God wants us to become disciples not members. Turn them to disciples and then call them friends.
It seems like for others, the Great Commission becomes the great omission. But God's last command should be our first concern.
A leader that mentors people and lead them to the Father's heart Red heart
"It's hard to be disciplined, but it's harder to allow things to pass and live in regrets." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
"When you lack the will and the decision to live a disciplined life, time will pass and you will regret not doing it and things will get more painful than you expected." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
"In order to go up, you need to let go of what brings you down." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
"Do more of what’s important and less of what isn’t." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
"We need to learn to sacrifice. We need to forget our comfort. We need to get out there and pray for people. We need to get out there to preach the Message of hope. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the greatest message of hope." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
"After reading the Bible and receiving an inspiration from God, you can go and speak the Word of life to the people in your community who are suffering." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
"There is something greater than the coronavirus and that is the corona – the crown that Jesus wore on His head." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
Let go and start ascending.
Get up and be fruitful for the glory of God.
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
Stop doing unproductive things.
“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven." (Matthew 7:21)
"God doesn’t want members in the church; He wants disciples in the church. Disciples are people who follow the steps of their teacher." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
"God doesn’t want members in the church; He wants disciples in the church. Disciples are people who follow the steps of their teacher." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
"Start living the kind of life that Jesus lived here on earth. Do the will of the Father and stop doing unproductive things." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
"There is no greater reward that could ever be given to us, but if we preach the gospel, we will receive the greatest rewards." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
"If we don't learn to empower others, we will be a hindrance to the Great Commission -- to win souls and make disciples of all nations." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
"If we don't learn to empower others, we will be a hindrance to the Great Commission -- to win souls and make disciples of all nations." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
"It doesn't say in the Great Commission that you must go and entertain people in your cell group. It says there that you must go and empower them so that they will also lead others to Christ." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
"Our highest goal is not to train people to be ‘like us’ but to be like the spirit of God that is in us." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
"Our highest goal is not to train people to be ‘like us’ but to be like the spirit of God that is in us." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
"If we don't learn to empower others, we will be a hindrance to the Great Commission -- to win souls and make disciples of all nations." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
"People today don’t need leaders; what they need are mentors who have the Father’s heart." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
"We empower people when we lead them to receive the baptism of God. They must be baptized in the spirit of Fatherhood because they need to receive the Fatherhood of God." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
"The Holy Spirit will tell you the things you need to let go of." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
"Living the lifestyle that Jesus lived and receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit will lead to our growth and fruitfulness." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
Ptr Zekie Coscolluela
1 Samuel 30:6-19 Job1:20 Psalms 22:3 Psalms 16:11
When no one is there to encourage you, God is always available to be a source of strength. #G12PHBeFruitful21
Your revelation is powerful than your situation! Sparkles
Encourage yourself in the Lord.
Encourage yourself when you lose everything.
Start building your personal private altar with the Lord.
Sometimes, we have no one to encourage us, we only have ourselves. We need to build our personal private altar with the Lord.
Lalaban na ulit Raising hands
"And David inquired of the Lord, 'Shall I pursue this raiding party? Will I overtake them?'
'Pursue them,' He answered. 'You will certainly overtake them and succeed in the rescue.'" (1 Samuel 30:8)
"If you are going through a difficult situation right now, the best thing to do is to ask God's help. " - Ps. Zekie Coscolluela
"God gave us a promise that He will get back everything we’ve lost." - Ps. Zekie Coscolluela
Complaining will not help you take back what you lost.
Praise — God's Presence — Fullness of Joy — Strength
Praise will bring you in God's presence
The Science of encouraging yourself and strengthening yourself
- Pastor Zekie Coscolluela
Praise is the path to strength!
"David recovered everything the Amalekites had taken, including his two wives. Nothing was missing: young or old, boy or girl, plunder or anything else they had taken. David brought everything back." (1 Samuel 30:18-19)
"When no one is around to encourage you after you lost someone or some things, especially when you lost everything, encourage yourself in the Lord by building an altar in your heart."- Ps. Zekie Coscolluela
Those who praise, conquers.
"At this, Job got up and tore his robe and shaved his head. Then he fell to the ground in worship." (Job 1:20)
Prevail in prayer until you see your answer.
"There are times when there will be no one available to encourage you. What you need to do is to start building a personal and private altar to the Lord where you can sing and worship Him." - Ps. Zekie Coscolluela
Establish a Private altar before the Lord
"To encourage yourself, you need to build a private altar before the Lord and begin to worship Him." - Ps. Zekie Coscolluela
"Every time you praise God and worship Him, you enter into His presence. When you are in God’s presence, you will have the fullness of joy." - Ps. Zekie Coscolluela
"Every time you praise God and worship Him, you enter into His presence. When you are in God’s presence, you will have the fullness of joy." - Ps. Zekie Coscolluela
"If you want strength, learn to praise the Lord because praising God brings His presence. In His presence, there is fullness of joy, and the joy of the Lord will give you strength." - Ps. Zekie Coscolluela
"Yet you are enthroned as the Holy One; You are the one Israel praises." (Psalm 22:3)
"Yet you are enthroned as the Holy One; You are the one Israel praises." (Psalm 22:3)
"Complaining, grumbling, and murmuring will not help you take back your losses." - Ps. Zekie Coscolluela
When you talk to God, God will talk to you. But, don't be in a hurry. Take time to understand Him. It is in prevailing in prayer that you will receive the answer.
Take time to listen to God.
when you talk to God, God will talk to you. but you have to wait. #G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
Never be in a hurry when we want to receive the answer to our prayers. Take time... Prevail in prayer...
"You make known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand." (Psalm 16:11)
"There is 10x Power when you pray the prayer of agreement." - Ps. Zekie Coscolluela
"If you want to take back what you lost, you must learn to praise God in your darkest moments." - Ps. Zekie Coscolluela
Go after the will of God for your life.
"Learn to praise God in your darkest hour."
- Ps. Zekie Coscolluela
"When you talk to God, God will talk to you. But it takes time for His answer to come and it will be according to His own timetable." - Ps. Zekie Coscolluela
"When you talk to God, God will talk to you. But it takes time for His answer to come and it will be according to His own timetable." - Ps. Zekie Coscolluela
"Our prayers have been heard, but we don't receive the answer right away; we'll receive it when we prevail. "- Ps. Zekie Coscolluela
When you talk to God, He will talk to you. But don't be in a hurry; instead, take time to listen to God. "- Ps. Zekie Coscolluela
"Praying alone is powerful, but praying together is ten times more powerful." - Ps. Zekie Coscolluela
"When you receive God’s answer to your prayer, you should know that it’s also His will for your life. So go after it." - Ps. Zekie Coscolluela
"To pursue is to determine in your heart to go after the will of God no matter what happens." - Ps. Zekie Coscolluela
"Pursuing the will of God will require a lot of courage. Never stop pursuing the will of God." - Ps. Zekie Coscolluela
"When you receive God’s answer to your prayer, you should know that it’s also His will for your life. So go after it." - Ps. Zekie Coscolluela
"To pursue is to determine in your heart to go after the will of God no matter what happens." - Ps. Zekie Coscolluela
"Pursuing the will of God will require a lot of courage. Never stop pursuing the will of God." - Ps. Zekie Coscolluela
"Don’t go down the path of despair or frustration. Move forward and go after the will of God for your life." - Ps. Zekie Coscolluela
"Pursuing the will of God will require a lot of courage. Why? People will give up on you, but you have to determine in your heart to go after the will of God for your life and pursue the Word of God." - Ps. Zekie Coscolluela
"There will be times when God will have a different Word for different people in different situations. That's why what you need to do is to spend time listening to God. You need to hear from God and receive the Word of the Lord for your own situation. Do not copy someone's testimony." - Ps. Zekie Coscolluela
"Spend time reading and meditating on the Word of God. Spend time praying and worshiping the Lord because when you do, you will develop sensitive, spiritual ears that will hear the voice of God. When you hear Him speak to you, obey Him; when you do, determine in your heart to go after the will of God no matter what the cost." - Ps. Zekie Coscolluela
"Don't turn to the right, because what is on the right is the path of frustration. Don't go to the left, because what is on the left is the path of despair. Choose to move forward." - Ps. Zekie Coscolluela
"Declare: Now is the season of my recovery!" - Ps. Zekie Coscolluela
It's not over until it's over. On this second day of our #G12PHBeFruitful21 National Conference, let us continue to open our hearts as God exceeds our expectations!
Our evening sessions will start from 6PM to 9PM.
Bring your own breakthrough!
God really opened our hearts and minds throughout our G12 National Conference Day 1. We are more than ready to apply everything that we have learned -- but wait; there's more! Let's all be excited as we receive fresh and new revelation at our G12PH National Conference Day 2!
Use our official hashtags on your posts, tweets and photos.
So, sit back, relax, and enjoy as we make ourselves available and ready to receive more from God and apply it in our lives!
God already laid the foundation for us on where and how to start the calling He has entrusted to us. Convinced that it is a privilege to serve Him, we keep our hearts and minds connected to Him. Our obedience to His standards will eventually make our lives fruitful more than we could ever imagine.
"Those who make up their mind for Jesus must carefully follow His ways and not deviate. Right from the start, you need to make up your mind and your heart to walk in the ways of Jesus to follow the steps He laid for you." - Ps. Cesar Castellanos
Encountering God requires complete preparation, obedience, and surrender on our side. In this way, He can work in us and use us mightily for His glory. Let us surrender ourselves willingly and fully to the Lord and see how He can work amazingly in every area of our lives.
"In order for us to have an encounter with Jesus, we need to be prepared physically, emotionally, and mentally. We also need to be determined to surrender everything in our lives to the Lord." - Ps. Cesar Castellanos
God is looking for people who are willing to be used for His purpose so that the lost will be saved and be restored back to their original design. Let us grow spiritually and be sanctified through our relationship with Jesus. When we leave behind our sinful ways, we become effective vessels for the expansion of His kingdom.
"The Lord needs people who will become part of His team. They are the people who will absolutely renounce everything so the Spirit of God could flow through them, and will be able to bring other people in God's presence." - Ps. Cesar Castellanos
God called us for a purpose, and He has empowered us to do it. Our journey is a lifetime commitment. We will finish this race and get the crown that will last forever.
"We are disciples who are committed until the end not just committed at the beginning." - Bs. Felix Labang
Our words must be consistent with our actions. because doing what you say you'd do will show how mature you are. If you do what you preach, it will be much easier to win someone; leading them closer to God.
"A disciple both in word and in deed stands up for the Word of God that He believes in." - Bs. Felix Labang
Challenges, problems, and even losses are part of growing and recovering. It is God’s way of teaching and guiding us back to the right path. So take heart, continue, and surrender it to God for the battle is not yet over.
"Even if we went through something and had losses, it doesn't mean that the battle is over." - Ps. Rafy Panlilio
Let God give you fire to do His calling for you. Never allow fear to enter in your heart, but accept that call in full humility and obedience. He will surely empower us to do great things for His glory and honor.
"If you do not have fire, you will have fear. But a person who is on fire is not fearful. He will still do what the Lord wants him to do." - Ps. Rafy Panlilio
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay1
Let us believe that we can recover everything that has been taken away from us! 
Thank you Pastor Zekie
PS. Art Sepulveda
Colossians 1:6 Ephesians 3:20
God wants us to be Fruitful
Fruitfulness is already programmed in our DNA
1 Cor 3:
God wants you to be fruitful. He doesn't want us to be stuck in the rot..." - Ps.
"As born again believers, we are born to be fruitful. It is in our DNA." - Ps.
"God wants you to be fruitful. He doesn't want us to be stuck in the rot..." - Ps.
God has a vision of you to be most fruitful.
We are all part of God's dream.
We are the fruit of the dream of God's heart.
We are made to be fruitful. We are designed to be truly fruitful.
PS @Art_Sepulveda
John 15:3-4-5
Sometimes you don't know what's inside of you, until someone pushed you. - Pastor Art Sepulveda
"[If you are a born again believer], you the fruit of God's dream." - Ps. @Art_Sepulveda
It's not about our past, it is about His grace and mercy.
“I am the sprouting vine and you’re my branches. As you live in union with me as your source, fruitfulness will stream from within you—but when you live separated from me you are powerless.
John 15:5 TPT
"Fruitfulness begins in discipleship. You will never ever find a Christian who is fruitful without being discipled." - Ps.
Eph 5:1-2
Ways to be FRUITFUL:
1) Jesus tells us, we must make Him our total source.
2) Making Jesus out total source and outcome, produces power result. (there must be total surrender)
Spend time with the ONE who loves you unconditionally. #G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
"Pursuing the will of God requires a lot of courage" -Ps. Zekie Coscolluela
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
Romans 9:20
"Winning souls and making disciples is part of fruitfulness. (See Matthew 28:19) God wants you to be fruitful. Do not disconnect just because you found some vocation or hobby." - Ps.
Luke 5:27-28
Surrender to the Extravagant Love of God
"You will never be fruitful without discipleshipDouble exclamation mark" -Ps.
Luke 5:27-28
You will never be in formation if you will not become a disciple
There are many people resist being fruitful, but God is asking you to be fruitful.
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
You will never be in formation if you will not become a disciple
"As believers, as the church, we are born again to be fruitful. Fruitfulness is in our DNA. The day we were born again, everything about us shifted. What we must do is to rid ourselves of every hindrance and any argument that we might have." - Ps. Art Sepulveda
"God wants us to break out, break through, and be fruitful for His glory in all areas of life."
- Ps. Art Sepulveda
"For those God foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters." (Romans 8:29)
"The Holy Spirit was sent not to be on your side, left or right, but to be with you, to live inside of you." - Ps.
"God wants you to grow and be fruitful. He doesn't want you to be stuck and rot." - Ps. Art Sepulveda
"For God to be your total source, you must come to Him in total surrender."
- Ps. Art Sepulveda
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
It takes faith in God to make the dream of God come true." - Ps. Art Sepulveda
"Sometimes, you won't know your abilities and potentials until you get a little push." - Ps. Art Sepulveda
"Fruitfulness is not automatic. Sometimes you need a little push in order for great things to happen."
- Ps. Art Sepulveda
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
"God wants you to grow and be fruitful. He doesn't want you to be stuck and rot." - Ps. Art Sepulveda
To be fruitful:
1. We make Jesus our total source.
2. To be disciples
"For God to be your total source, you must come to Him in total surrender."
- Ps. Art Sepulveda
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
"For God to be your total source, you must come to Him in total surrender."
- Ps. Art Sepulveda
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
"It takes faith in God to make the dream of God come true." - Ps. Art Sepulveda
"Sometimes, you won't know your abilities and potentials until you get a little push." - Ps. Art Sepulveda
"You have to understand how to love yourself. You will never get that understanding until you spend time with the One who loves you unconditionally." - Ps. Art Sepulveda
God loves me with unconditional love and I will become fruitful
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
"You cannot experience transformation unless you are willing to be discipled."
- Ps. Art Sepulveda
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
"On the contrary, who are you, O man, who answers [arrogantly] back to God and dares to defy Him? Will the thing which is formed say to him who formed it, 'Why have you made me like this?'" (Romans 9:20, AMP)
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
"Surrender is not a punishment. It is the key to fruitfulness." - Ps. Art Sepulveda
"Surrender is not a punishment. It is the key to fruitfulness." - Ps. Art Sepulveda
"God is asking us to be fruitful by following His plan and not our plan." - Ps. Art Sepulveda
"Winning souls is part of fruitfulness, because you can only make disciples when you win people." - Ps. Art Sepulveda
"Later, as Jesus left the town, He saw a tax collector named Levi sitting at his tax collector’s booth. 'Follow me and be my disciple,' Jesus said to him. So Levi got up, left everything, and followed Him." (Luke 5:27-28, NLT)
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
"Levi got up and left everything—the things of this world, his old mindset, and arguments. He became Jesus' disciple and so lived a very fruitful life." - Ps. Art Sepulveda
"Jesus did not ask Levi, a tax collector, about his past. Jesus simply told Levi to follow Him and be His disciple. God does not look at our past when He calls us. All we have to do is to follow Him." - Ps. Art Sepulveda
PS Nonon Orjaleza
Blessings of Fruitfulness
1. Thrive to flourish and blossom
2. Is an outcome of fhe blessings
"The blessing of God causes our lives to become fruitful regardless of any season or circumstance."
- Pastor Nonon Orjaleza.
Dating kaawa-awa,
ngayo'y kahanga-hanga!
- Ps.
"The blessing of God causes our lives to become fruitful regardless of any season or circumstance." -
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
Fruitfulness is an outcome of the blessing. There is no real fruitfulness without the blessing.
1. Obedience to the Voice of God
2. Committed to God's plan (Loving God, Loving people)
Deuteronomy 28:1-2 Luke 5:4
Blessing means empowerment.
Fruitfulness is a commodity the world can never offer.
God's voice is the carrier of blessings kaya makinig sa Lord wag sa puso ahh!
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
"Fruitfulness in our DNA the moment we were born again; but fruitfulness is not automatic -- sometimes we need a little push, because we don't really know what's inside of us until someone pushes us." - Ps.
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
Committed to God's Plan.
Loving God and Loving People.
Agape love.
Obedience to God activates blessing #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2 #G12PHBeFruitful21
Your sweet spot is a place of commanded blessing.
Commitment to God's plan.
"The blessing of God can enable us to become fruitful in whatever circumstance we are facing." - Ps. Nonon Orjaleza
"God blessed them and said to them, 'Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.'" (Genesis 1:28)
"Blessing is more than money or material possession. When God blesses us, He will give us spiritual commodity that the world cannot give." - Ps. Nonon Orjaleza
"Nothing provokes blessing more than obedience." - Ps. Nonon Orjaleza
"When you are blessed, you will start well; and when you are blessed, you will also end well as you remain in God's blessing." - Ps. Nonon Orjaleza
"We will experience a one-of-a-kind supernatural fruitfulness the moment we hear the voice of God because it carries a blessing." - Ps. Nonon Orjaleza
Today is the end of all my struggles!Yellow heartFolded hands
Where Peter was fishing and didn't catch any is the same water where he had a net-breaking and boat-sinking harvest. The only difference is the voice of Jesus.
Fruitfulness without struggles.
"The moment we hear and obey the voice of God is the time when we unlock His blessings for our lives."
- Ps. Nonon Orjaleza
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
“The main reason for scarcity is failure to follow God's voice and instruction.” - Ps Nonon Orjaleza
"Every supernatural, extraordinary exploit that happened in the Bible began with the man or woman of God receiving His Word. When you hear the voice of God, you are a candidate for a supernatural turnaround and fruitfulness." - Ps. Nonon Orjaleza
Malachi 3:10
"The moment we hear and obey the voice of God is the time when we unlock His blessings for our lives."
- Ps. Nonon Orjaleza
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
“The main reason for scarcity is failure to follow God's voice and instruction.” - Ps Nonon Orjaleza
"Every supernatural, extraordinary exploit that happened in the Bible began with the man or woman of God receiving His Word. When you hear the voice of God, you are a candidate for a supernatural turnaround and fruitfulness." - Ps. Nonon Orjaleza
"Your sweet spot is a place of commanded blessing." - Ps. Nonon Orjaleza
What is blessing?
1. It is more important than money or material possession.
2. When you are blessed, you will start well and end well.
3. It means empowerment.
- Ps. Nonon Orjaleza
"Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine." (Proverbs 3:9-10)
Keys to blessing:
1. Obedience to the voice of God
2. Commitment to God’s plan
3. Faithfulness in your covenant giving
- Ps. Nonon Orjaleza
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
"'Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,' says the Lord Almighty, 'and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.'" (Malachi 3:10)
BS Oriel M Ballano
Acts 27:20
Fruitfulness must be connected to your God-given assignment." -
Fruitfulness must be connected to your God-given assignment - BOMB
God is a builder of momentum." - Bshp. Oriel M. Ballano
God is expecting something on you that is based on your God-given assignment
Adversity or Strom is the beginning of your momentum
Adversity or storm is the beginning of your momentum.
You don’t have to struggle—'coz in the first place God put abilities, skills, knowledge and expertise in you to build up your momentum.
God is a builder of momentum.
"To become fruitful, allow God to build momentum in your life."
Don't behave like an apple if you want to become orange Face screaming in fear
The Life of Apostle Paul and his momentum in God's vision.
Momentum of Fruifulness
Mataas nga ang grades mo, tumaas nga sahod mo, malago nga business mo, pero 'yan ba ang assignment ni God sa'yo?
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
Fruitfulness connects to your God given assignment - Bishop Oriel Ballano
"Fruitfulness must be connected to your God-given assignment." -
"Sometimes you will be punished for doing what is right." -
Adversity will be supported by God's revelation of His plan.
Sometimes you will be punished for doing what is right." -
Adversity will be supported by God's revelation of His plan.
Today marks the end of your struggles. Claim it!
Sometimes, you will be punished for doing what is right, and that will be the beginning of your momentum. Don't think of it as an adversity or storm in life. Instead, try to understand its purpose.
When God calls you, He will empower you. He will provide what you need for you to become fruitful.
Being fruitful means fulfilling your God-given assignment.
Revelation is more powerful than your situation.
You don't need to struggle to become fruitful. You just need a momentum created by God.
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
Adversity will be supported by God's revelation of His plan. God's voice must be spoken to you. You will hear God's voice through your devotional life (God's Word), fellowship." -
Fruitfulness must be connected to your God-given assignment.
1. Adversity
Sa mga nagbubuild up pa lang ng momentum - WE ARE CHEERING FOR YOU! #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2 #G12PHBeFruitful21
Build your momentum first, so fruitfulness will come.
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
When nobody is there to encourage you, learn to encourage yourself in the Lord through worship and praising Him in our darkest hours!
God has called us for an assignment! We are God's strategy!
Treat every problems as challenges
Our fruitfulness is connected to our God-given assignment. What good is wealth or success if we are not able to fulfill our purpose? Allow God to build momentum in our life first so He can bring multiplication in our life.
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
The Lord gave us misery after misery for a purpose"
- Bishop Oriel Ballano
We all have a corporate assignment. We need to build our Momentum!
-Bishop Oriel Ballano
Fruitfulness must be connected to your God-given assignment.
Being fruitful means fulfilling your God-given assignment.
When God calls you, He will empower you. He will provide what you need for you to become fruitful.
You don't need to struggle to become fruitful. You just need a momentum created by God.
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
Sometimes, you will be punished for doing what is right, and that will be the beginning of your momentum. Don't think of it as an adversity or storm in life. Instead, try to understand its purpose.
Acts 27:8 Acts 28:5-6-8
"After they had gone a long time without food, Paul stood up before them and said: 'Men, you should have taken my advice not to sail from Crete; then you would have spared yourselves this damage and loss. But now I urge you to keep up your courage, because not one of you will be lost; only the ship will be destroyed. Last night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve stood beside me and said, ‘Do not be afraid, Paul. You must stand trial before Caesar; and God has graciously given you the lives of all who sail with you.’ 'So keep up your courage, men, for I have faith in God that it will happen just as He told me.'" (Acts 27:21-25)
God's revelation is always more powerful than your situation. Adversities will never be more powerful than God's revelation.
#G12PHBeFruitfulDay2No matter how hard things can get, God will still give you a place of refuge.
God uses misery after misery for a purpose.
Sometimes, the best things that happen in our lives come from unplanned moments.
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
“When you become a man on a mission, God will never leave your side.”
Miseries can attract miracles.
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
Your problems can add momentum to your fruitfulness.
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
Some adversities need to happen so that God can reveal Himself to other people through you.
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
Momentum builders for fruitfulness:
1. Storm
2. Revelation
3. Atmosphere of Malta
4. Miracles
5. Opportunity for mission
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
When God builds momentum for fruitfulness:
1. Adversity or storm is the beginning of your momentum.
2. Adversity will be supported by God's revelation of His plan.
3. Adversity or misery will challenge you to believe.
4. Your faith during your adversity will give you a place to land.
5. Misery usually leads to another misery.
6. Misery brings miracles and increases your momentum for fruitfulness.
7. After miracles, the momentum for fruitfulness will manifest.
8. Mission opportunity during and after adversity becomes clearer.
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
1. We don’t need a reason if we got a revelation.
2. While we are getting ready for a wreck in adversity, God is positioning us for a great harvest.
3. We thought Paul needed Malta, but it turned out that Malta needed Paul.
4. Pandemic gives us opportunity for fruitfulness.
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
Your adversity is not about you but about your mission.
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
Miseries will lead you to miracles, and miracles will bring you to the mission field.
A tree needs to be taken cared of consistently to be fruitful because fruitfulness requires time, effort, and preparation. It is also applicable in our personal lives. We have to be disciplined, consistent, and patient in the process to achieve fruitfulness in the right time. Let us move towards success, one step at a time, for the glory of God!
"Being fruitful doesn’t just happen overnight; it’s something that starts with little steps that we consistently take every single day." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
We should put off our old habits and embrace God-given standards for us to be fruitful. Disciplining ourselves makes us ready to share the gospel with the people. Our lives would never be the same, always productive and achieving our purpose.
"Discipline will help you live a goal-focused life. You will not end up hitting the air, but you will end up hitting every one of your goals." - Ps. Jorge Andres Catano
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
Time, as the most valuable asset given to us, will not be wasted when used for God's purpose. Being productive in the things that fulfill your purpose is the best way you can live your life on earth. Involve in spreading the gospel and use your time in growing in your relationship with God and with your community.
"Start living the kind of life that Jesus lived here on earth. Do the will of the Father and stop doing unproductive things." - Ps. Jorge Andres Cataño
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
We are down to the last day of our #G12PHBeFruitful21 conference. We are sure you are all fired up and nurtured much, and you can't wait for more.
Please take note of our schedule today.
- Morning sessions are from 10AM to 12NN.
- Afternoon sessions are from 1PM to 5PM.
Let's unravel the truth behind every situation we are in to receive our breakthrough as we continue to water the seed of fruitfulness in every believer's heart.
See you all virtually!
God's help is always available; His hands are wide open. He sees our situation and He knows what we are going through. When we humbly seek for His help with our all, He will recover everything that has been taken away from us.
"If you are going through a difficult situation right now, the best thing to do is to come to God and ask for His help." - Ps. Zekie Coscolluela
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
God is constantly in pursuit to speak to His children. We are always invited to His presence to hear His Word. Understanding His desires and message to us requires us to take time, deeply listen and never be in the rush. He speaks to those who actively comes to His presence.
"When you talk to God, He will talk to you, but don't be in a hurry. Take time to listen to Him." - Ps. Zekie Coscolluela
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
PS Ruffy Lagat
It is God who make things grow. #G12PHBeFruitful21
Kailangan natin alisin! Ang mga bagay na hindi produktibo at humahadlang sa atin. Right-facing fistLeft-facing fist
John 15:1-8
The principle of fruitfulness is this: "God makes all things grow." Shake off all unproductivity because God meant for us to be fruitful. -
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay3
Isaiah 37:31
We'll take root below (Jesus), and we bear fruit above (disciples).
pastor Ruffy Lagat
So much fruit brings so much pleasure to Jesus Christ as the gardener. He is pleased, He is glorified when you bear much fruit. (See John 15:8) - Bs. Ruffy Lagat
Fruitfulness is a byproduct of rootedness.
Remain in God, take root in Jesus become only him can make us be fruitful with fruits that will last forever that will outlast the Universe.
Remain in God, take root in Jesus because only him can make us be fruitful with fruits that will last forever that will outlast the Universe.
Our God is a result-conscious God.
Rootedness in Jesus is the key to everlasting fruitfulness.
1. Rooted in Jesus, The Word and God
Rooted in God's Word
Rooted in His Spirit
"Our fruitfulness is dependent on our rootedness"-Ptr Ruffy Lagat
"The secret to fruitfulness is rootedness in the Lord. To be rooted in the Lord means to be rooted in His Word and in His Spirit." - Bs. Ruffy Lagat
"The secret to fruitfulness is rootedness in the Lord. To be rooted in the Lord means to be rooted in His Word and in His Spirit." - Bs. Ruffy Lagat
Rooted in the vision... The great commission....win souls and make disciples.
Pastora Geraldine Ballano opens the last day of the conference.
- Fruitfulness affects all aspects of our life. Only God can make things grow and make your life fruitful.
Get grounded with the Word of the Lord.
Never neglect your devotional life.
Rooted in the vision.
Get Rooted in God and Jesus. Never ever forget your devotion to the Spirit. Do the greatest command. Love one another and make all nations God's disciples.
"Our fruitfulness is dependent on our rootedness"- Ps. Ruffy Lagat
Commitment to time means God must come first.
Commitment means putting God first!
- Ps. Ruffy Lagat
Be sold out!
Put God first in all things. He is more valuable than everything you have. If you are not rooted to Him you will never succeed.
Rooted in the Lord means rooted in the core values! - Ps. Ruffy Lagat
If you want to be fruitful, you need to be rooted in our core values. You do what you value. If you do what you do not value, you give excuses." - Bs. Ruffy Lagat
Kabisado mo pa kaya ang G12 core values? Rolling on the floor laughing
You are doing it because that's who you are.
"No matter the situation, your core values remain the same. You bring them wherever you go, in whatever you do. Core values causes you to be consistent."-Ptr Ruffy Lagat
Be rooted in Him.
His word.
His spirit.
In the vision.
In the core values.
Fruitfulness. Rootednes.
Rootedness. Fruitfulness.
Ps Ruffy Lagat
The Vision and values become a part of our lives
You do what you value. If not, you will only make excuses. - Ps. Ruffy Lagat
Embrace the values. Be sold out for God. Be like the Apostles. Go strong deeply in the Word and Spirit.
How to be rooted in the vision?
Study the vision, pray about the vision, talk about vision, share vision in new believers and cast the vision to all the leaders
"I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener." (John 15:1)
"The Lord is glorified whenever we are fruitful." - Ps. Ruffy Lagat
"Once more a remnant of the kingdom of Judah will take root below and bear fruit above." (Isaiah 37:31)
"Fruitfulness is inevitably the byproduct of rootedness. When you are firmly rooted, then you will bear much fruit." - Ps. Ruffy Lagat
"The deeper and wider our roots, the greater will be our fruits." - Ps. Ruffy Lagat
"God has provided a way for us to be assured that once we are connected with Jesus and abide in Him, we will become fruitful." - Ps. Ruffy Lagat
"God is conscious of the fruit we produce in our lives. He makes sure that our lives will bring glory to Him." - Ps. Ruffy Lagat
"The secret to fruitfulness is rootedness." - Ps. Ruffy Lagat
"The Word and the Spirit of God are inseparable." - Ps. Ruffy Lagat
"Be rooted in the Lord by being rooted in His Word and His Spirit. We cannot grow in the Spirit without growing in His Word." - Ps. Ruffy Lagat
"To be rooted in the Lord means to grow in intimacy with Him." - Ps. Ruffy Lagat
"Some people lose their passion in the vision because the core values are not firmly established." - Ps. Ruffy Lagat
"You will live your life according to the values rooted in you." - Ps. Ruffy Lagat
"Always practice these core values again and again until it becomes a part of who you are." - Ps. Ruffy Lagat
"Churches are established not just because of evangelists but because people are deeply rooted in the Lord, rooted in the vision." - Ps. Ruffy Lagat
"We can be fruitful when we keep on doing the Vision and embracing its values in everything we do." - Ps. Ruffy Lagat
God wants us to do what He created us to do, and that is to bear fruit—a fruit that will last from generations to generations. Fruitfulness does not just only mean bearing fruit but also causing us to grow and flourish. Let us embrace growth because that is where God has placed His greatest miracle!
"God wants you to grow. He wants you to be fruitful. He doesn't want you to stay stuck." - Ps. Art Sepulveda
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
Indeed, you will never know how capable and courageous you are unless there's someone who pushes you for greater things! So, whenever your spiritual leaders or mentors challenge you to do things bigger than you, embrace it instead of doubting it!
"Sometimes you do not know what is inside of you in terms of ability, potential, and capability until you have a little push." - Ps. Art Sepulveda
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
The Holy Spirit is the only one who can change the heart of a person. No man, no church activity, and no technique can do that other than Him. The change that He brings in your heart gives birth to a fruitful life, and that fruit is a fruit that lasts.
"The fruitfulness that God wants you to have comes from your heart, comes from your inner man, comes from the change that only the Holy Spirit can draw." - Ps. Art Sepulveda
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay3
"God wants us to do what He created us to do, and that is to bear fruit—a fruit that will last from generations to generations. Fruitfulness does not just only mean bearing fruit but also causing us to grow and flourish. Let us embrace growth because that is where God has placed His greatest miracle!
""God wants you to grow. He wants you to be fruitful. He doesn't want you to stay stuck."" - Ps. Art Sepulveda
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2"
The Holy Spirit is the only one who can change the heart of a person. No man, no church activity, and no technique can do that other than Him. The change that He brings in your heart gives birth to a fruitful life, and that fruit is a fruit that lasts.
"The fruitfulness that God wants you to have comes from your heart, comes from your inner man, comes from the change that only the Holy Spirit can draw." - Ps. Art Sepulveda
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
It's one thing to hear the voice of God and another to obey it. Let us continually please God with our faith and follow Him wholeheartedly. Let us experience the undeniable joy of obedience to the Lord and receive the favor and blessings that goes along with it.
"The moment we hear and obey the voice of God is the time we unlock His blessings for our lives."
- Ps. Nonon Orjaleza
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
Living in scarcity is not what God has planned for you. And the only way to experience a fruitful life is when you start to listen to God’s voice that carries blessings and obey His instruction that leads to it. These things, when done faithfully and truthfully, will bring a supernatural fruitfulness in your life.
“The main reason for scarcity is failure to follow God's voice and instruction.” - Ps. Nonon Orjaleza
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
PS Bert Pretorius
An Attitude of Gratitude
Proverbs 10:22 James 1:17
The more God blessed you, the more He expects of you.
Increase of blessing is increase of responsibility.
The motive is always to be a blessing.
Every blessing is a privilege not a right!
- Ps.
Increased blessing also means increased responsibility.
Romans 1:21-22 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
At the end of the day, it's by the grace of God.
Vain imaginationsFace with hand over mouth
Ps Bert
Always be joyful.
Pray without ceasing.
In everything, give thanks.
There's nothing that we deserve. Tired faceRaised hand
Ps Bert
"Privelage apart from entitlement is Gratitude"
We are a steward not an owner!
We are just a vessel of God's blessing.
No to vain imaginations!
1. Give God thanks always.
You do what you value. If not, you come up with an excuse.
Be prayerful. Pray with faith. God doesn't listen to nagging.
"God only answers a prayer of faith. God doesn't listen to nagging. Without faith, it is impossible to please God." - Ps.
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBefruitfulDay3 #attitudeofgratitude
"Don't take your brothers and sisters in your church for granted." - Ps.
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBefruitfulDay3
God doesn't listen to nagging.
The problem of remembering:
We remember the wrong things, and cannot remember good things.
- Ps.
Faith love patience!
- Ps.
Increased blessing means increased responsibiility, not for more blessing. It's a privilege, not a right. The more God blesses us, the more he expects from us." - Ps.
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay3
1 Thessalonians 1:1-5 1 Cor 4 18-19
MemoBe the Blessing!
MemoDo not feel entitled!
MemoI am just a steward of the Blessing and not owner.
MemoMore Thanksgiving, Less Criticism.
MemoPraying is Speaking the Life of God over my situation.
MemoDon't think you own people! God is the ONE who CHOSE them!
The LEADERSHIP OF THE MULTITUDE is a privilege without entitlement.
We don't come with words, we come with the evidence of a changed life.
It is not about how much we received but how much we give! - Ps.
Many people have a lot of talk but God want us to talk with power from Holy Spirit.
We don’t come with words but with evidence of a change life.
~Ps. Bert Pretorius
Psalm 100:1.
GOD is not giving up on me then I will not give up on me!
If God did not give up on me, I will not give up on me!
The difference between privilege and entitlement is 'gratitude.'
Look at what the Lord God has done. We are sheep in His Pasture. FOR THE LORD IS GOOD AND HIS MERCY IS EVERLASTING.
"The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, And He adds no sorrow with it." (Proverbs 10:22 NKJV)
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning." (James 1:17 NKJV)
“Everything I have is a gift; I am a steward, not an owner.” - Ps. Bert Pretorius
"Everything you receive is by the grace of God." - Ps. Bert Pretorius
“The foundation of our decision making is our faith in our Creator.” -Ps. Bert Pretorius
"Because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools." (Romans 1:21-22 NKJV)
"A 'right' is something I am entitled to. A 'privilege' is what I can handle responsibly. Everything I receive is a gift; I am a steward, not an owner." - Ps. Bert Pretorius
"Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus." (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NLT)
"Be thankful in every situation. That doesn’t mean we should be thankful for 'every' situation we have because we don’t like all of it. It means that we must be thankful while going through those circumstances." - Ps. Bert Pretorius
"Giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." (Ephesians 5:20 NKJV)
"We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers" (1 Thessalonians 1:2 NKJV)
"God doesn’t answer your nagging, but only your prayer that has faith." - Ps. Bert Pretorius
“Faith, love, and patience – these are the things we need to recall in our lives.” - Ps. Bert Pretorius
“We are responsible if we have the privilege of leadership. God expects us to empower people and not enslave them.” - Ps. Bert Pretorius
“We are responsible if we have the privilege of leadership. God expects us to empower people and not enslave them.” - Ps. Bert Pretorius
“We don’t just come with words; we come with evidence of a changed life.” - Ps. Bert Pretorius
“If God doesn’t give up on me, I’m not gonna give up on me.” - Ps. Bert Pretorius
"Stop speaking lies. You have the ability to be kind, to love and to forgive." - Ps. Bert Pretorius
"You exit the lie when you enter the presence of God with thanksgiving." - Ps. Bert Pretorius
"Get out of your own plan and get into God’s plan." - Ps. Bert Pretorius
"Make a joyful shout to the Lord, all you lands! Serve the Lord with gladness; Come before His presence with singing. Know that the Lord, He is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, And His truth endures to all generations." (Psalms 100:1-5 NKJV)
"Declare: By the blood of Jesus, I am sanctified and redeemed for God's purpose." - Ps. Bert Pretorius
As genuine believers and children of God, our adversities and trials are all under His mighty hand, and each and every one of those happens for a Kingdom purpose - to glorify God and to bring sinners back to Him.
"Some adversities need to happen so that God can reveal Himself to other people through you." - Bs. Oriel M. Ballano
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
Out of your miseries can come miracles from the Lord. Instead of looking at miseries as hindrances, let us treat them as opportunities to have God-given momentum for our fruitfulness.
“Miseries will lead you to miracles, and miracles will bring you to the mission field." - Bs. Oriel M. Ballano
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay2
PS Alvin Venzon
Tools in repositioning:
1. Observation
2. Understanding
3. Knowledge
4. Wisdom
God's Fundamental Principles:
1. Fruitfulness
2. Multiplication
3. Dominion
This crisis is not our final destination!
- Ps. Alvin Venzon
We will be tested before we can be trusted
Pumuhit para hindi maipit!
- Doc Alvin Venzon
We will be TESTED before we can be TRUSTED #G12PHBeFruitful21
Never lose sight of what God has given you.
1Peter 2:9a
"Pumihit para hindi maipit,
Gamitin ang kokote para hindi matorete!"
- Doc Alvin Venzon
#G12PhBefruitful21 #g12phbefruitfulday3.
"Pumihit para hindi maipit,
Gamitin ang kokote para hindi matorete!"
- Doc Alvin Venzon
#G12PhBefruitful21 #g12phbefruitfulday3
2 Tim 3:16-17
Paul's Pattern
1. Evangelism and Discipleship
B. Inspire
C. Motivate
D. Instruct
2. Development of Leaders
3. Mentoring of Leaders
4. Leadership Multiplication
Phil 4:8
There is no shortness of Leadership but there is shortsightedness in the Church.
Ps Alvin Venzon
Motivate mo muna bago mo utusan!
- Doc Alvin Venzon
#G12PhBefruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitful21Day3
Sa panahon ng pandemya, wag tayong tumingin sa ayuda. Sa Diyos tayo umasa.!
-Doc Alvin Venzon
We will be tested before we can be trusted. Find your gift, locate it, and use it for God's glory. Operate on it despite the unsurmountable predicaments. Let your gift shine through!" - Ps. Alvin Venzon #G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay3
Know this: Pandemic or not God's "good plan" for us ay hindi nag-bago.
Ps Alvin Venzon
Pivot para hindi maging engot, pihit para hindi maipit, gamitin ang kukote para hindi matorete! HALLELUJAH!
1. Evangelism and Discipleship
- Encourage, inspire, motivate then instruct
2. Development of Leaders
3. Mentoring of Leaders (2 Tim. 3:16-17)
4. Leadership Multiplication
- Doc Alvin Venzon #G12PHBeFruitful21
believe that you have a destiny
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay3
Like Joseph, never lose sight of what God has given him.
Gamitin mo na yang gift mo.
Crisis is temporary, kase we are tested.
God's Fundamental Principles:
1. Fruitfulness
2. Multiplication
3. Dominion
Tools in Repositioning:
1. Observation
2. Understanding
3. Knowledge
4. Wisdom
"If businesses reposition to bring back their position of power, profit, and perspective in this pandemic, so should the Church of Christ with strategy and wisdom." - Ps. Alvin Venzon
"We need to know that God moves continuously. And His design for us will never change with or without pandemic." - Ps. Alvin Venzon
"We will be tested before we can be trusted." - Ps. Alvin Venzon
"The design of God in your life will never change even in times of crisis." - Ps. Alvin Venzon
"Find and locate your God-given gift and use it for His glory." - Ps. Alvin Venzon
"Believe that you have a destiny and it wouldn't change; the principles of God are still operational in us. The crisis is just temporary and we need to know that God's movement continues. The design of God in us does not change with or without a crisis." -Ps. Alvin Venzon
"In every segment of Joseph's story, God has never left him and He was faithful until the end." - Ps. Alvin Venzon
"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light." ( 1 Peter 2:9)
"Huwag tingin nang tingin sa ayuda; sa Diyos tayo umasa." - Ps. Alvin Venzon
"Your conviction is the fuel that will empower you to achieve your goal and purpose." - Ps. Alvin Venzon
"Even amidst crisis we must never lose sight of what God has promised in our lives." - Ps. Alvin Venzon
"When you start operating in your God-given gift, you can reverse your situation."- Ps. Alvin Venzon
"Joseph focused on God’s promises no matter what happened in his life; he never lost sight of them." - Ps. Alvin Venzon
"Our situation is not our destination. We’re just going through it." - Ps. Alvin Venzon
"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
"Pivot para ‘di maging engot, pihit para hindi maipit, at gamitin ang kokote para ‘di matorete."- Ps. Alvin Venzon
Paul's Pattern:
1. Evangelism and discipleship
2. Development of leaders
3. Mentoring of leaders
4. Leadership multiplication
"There is no shortage of leadership, but short-sightedness of leaders." - Ps. Alvin Venzon
Evangelism & Discipleship:
1. Encouragement
2. Inspiration
3. Motivation
4. Instruction
"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things." (Philippians 4:8)
"Whatever your gift is, God is waiting for you to use it so your current situation could be reversed." -Ps. Alvin Venzon
We are down to the last day of our #G12PHBeFruitful21 conference. We are sure you are all fired up and nurtured much, and you can't wait for more. Use #G12PHBeFruitfulDay3 as you share your takeaways using your social media accounts!
The Lord is the one who enables us to grow and to be fruitful. As we abide in Him and in His Word, we learn how to properly grow roots in the right ground and foundation. Let us continue to live a life deeply rooted in God's values.
"God calls, expects, mandates, and enables us to be fruitful. In fact, He is taking good care of every one of us -- tending us like a plant so that in the end, we will all be fruitful." - Ps. Ruffy Lagat
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay3
Fruitfulness is inevitably the by-product of rootedness. When we are firmly rooted in the Lord, we will bear much fruit. The deeper and wider our roots, the greater will be our fruit.
"When you are rooted strongly and firmly, you will bear fruit." - Ps. Ruffy Lagat
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay3
Be Fruitful and Multiply
Gen 1:28 Gen 28:3 Gen 41:52
"Fruitfulness is both a command from God and a blessing from Him." - Ps. Flibert Paje
Having the right environment is essential; a bad soil can pollute good seeds. White heavy check mark
Only trained disciples can change the world!
-Ps Filbert Paje
The church must be appealing to the lost.
See consolidation as a priority.
Stay away from people who are not helping in your growth!
"God wants us to prosper in all areas of our lives, because He does not want to see us suffering in any area as His ambassadors." - Ps. Flibert Paje
#G12PHBeFruitfulDay3"May God Almighty bless you and make you fruitful and increase your numbers until you become a community of peoples." (Genesis 28:3)
God has given us the privilege to reach the lost and it always comes with a blessing. He is teaching us to be more faithful to Him as we obey His commands. We believe that His power is always at work within us.
"With increased privilege and increased blessing comes increased responsibility. So the more God gives you, the more He expects of you." - Ps. Bert Pretorius
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay3
The greatest miracle that can happen to us is to have a changed life. Allowing God to work in us from the inside out gives us the empowerment to do His will and be efficient in doing the vision.
"Wherever you are, God has placed His supernatural power within you for an empowered life. That’s the miracle." - Ps. Bert Pretorius
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay3
"Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds." (John 12:24)
No matter our shortcomings and failures, God has always been faithful in our lives. Not one moment have we been forsaken as His children. May we also never give up on ourselves
as we go through the process of being sanctified as well.
“If God doesn’t give up on me, I’m not gonna give up on me.” - Ps. Bert Pretorious
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay3
PS Cesar Castellanos
"Jesus saw Himself as a seed that had to die in order to bear fruit — our salvation, for His death is the only hope for the redemption of humanity." - Ps. Cesar Castellanos
"There are times that we will face adverse situations, but may we find peace in the truth that God will protect us as we fulfill our calling." - Ps. Cesar Castellanos
"We need to die to ourselves for us to enjoy our lives." - Ps. Cesar Castellanos
"When Paul understood the redeeming work of Jesus, he praised God and his life changed radically. Let us seek to understand God's work through the revelation of the Spirit." - Ps. Cesar Castellanos
"Make it your goal to keep growing in your knowledge of God. This will help you focus on your calling." - Ps. Cesar Castellanos
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay3
"We are God's stewards, so let us always seek His guidance on how to manage everything He has entrusted us." - Ps. Cesar Castellanos
"God is working in our character so that we could focus on our calling." -Ps. Cesar Castellanos
BS Oriel M Ballano
If our goal is to be fruitful then there will be no choices and no options in our life but to be so.
Gather all you've learned from this conference and use it to produce and train better leaders.
We have no choice and no option. We must produce new leaders and better leaders amidst this pandemic.
A new and better leader is a committed leader.
Technology cannot replace leadership. Let us not depend on high-tech equipment only; we must function as a church with real-life leaders.
The absence of a leader would not bring growth; technology cannot replace leadership.
If the lives of the leaders are stagnant, the church cannot grow.
If the lives of the leaders are stagnant, the church cannot grow.
Training manuals won't help our fruitfulness without new leaders and better leaders.
Wise leaders are the leaders that have wisdom and the ability to apply everything they have learned.
If we want to produce new leaders, we need to have better leaders because they are the ones that will implement the church strategies.
The church building is not just an establishment; it is designed to facilitate the vision.
We need new leaders; we need better leaders.
These things are not the answers to your growth or faithfulness:
1) High-tech equipment only
2) Church system & structure only
3) Good plan & strategy only
4) Church people only
5) Church building only
6) Training materials only
7) Cell group only
What we really need are these:
1) High-tech equipment run by effective leaders.
2) Church system & structure run by wise leaders.
3) Good plan & strategy implemented by great leaders.
4) Church people discipled & trained by spiritual leaders.
5) Church building designed to facilitate the vision.
6) Training materials as tools for multiplication and run by leadership example.
7) Cell group run by better leaders.
Our job is not just to lead but also to identify new leaders; then begin to equip, apprentice, and empower them.
"Command and teach these things. Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching. Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through prophecy when the body of elders laid their hands on you. Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress. Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers." (1 Timothy 4:11-16)
The church must be leadership-powered, not personality-powered. There must be a continuous flow of new leaders inside the church.
As leadership is not just a position, we become an example to the people we lead. And when we become an example, we serve as a pattern to be imitated by others.
"Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity." (1 Timothy 4:12)
We need to learn how to treat people the way Jesus would do.
As leaders, we must set an example in:
1. Speech
2. Conduct
3. Love
4. Faith
5. Purity
Do not simply copy what others are doing. Lead by the strength of your gift.
Study the Word of God deeper because you need to feed the sheep — you need to teach your disciples.
Let us refuse to settle on our old way of doing things; we should always learn and strive to be better.
Self-leadership will always lead to self-development.
Don't lead your people without obvious progress in your life. You need to keep on learning new things to effectively lead people.
How we should lead:
1) Lead by example.
2) Lead with powerful teaching and preaching.
3) Lead by our gift.
4) Lead with an ongoing progress.
5) Lead with self-leadership.
When we use the gift God has given us just like Joseph, we will continue to flourish and grow. It's hard to focus on the positive in this world, but we must condition ourselves to never lose sight of what God has given us. Let us all use the gift God has given us and continue to shine His light and bloom beautifully by His grace even in times of adversity!
“Never lose sight. Despite the negative things that you see in the world around you, never lose sight of what God has given you.” - Ps. Alvin Venzon
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay3
God’s mission also includes His provision. As we continue to serve God, we have the assurance that we’ll have everything we need. Allowing our lives to be fully surrendered to God is being fully protected by Him all areas of our life.
“During these challenging times, let us not just look at the aid and assistance that the government is providing us with; let us put our full dependence on God.” - Ps. Alvin Venzon
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay3
The seed is the Word of God, and the soil is our heart. Fruitfulness and multiplication then are highly dependent on the health and attitude of our hearts. When our hearts are in sync with God's, His Word is evident in our lives.
“A very important seed requires a healthy soil where it can grow and cultivate.” - Ps. Filbert Paje
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay3
A fruitful life comes from knowing and being connected to the Source of everything. Just like how a plant will die if it is not rooted in the soil and fail to receive proper nutrients, so we, humans, need to be deeply rooted in God and connected to the right environment to survive, grow, and bear fruit.
“The foundation for a fruitful life begins with a relationship with God by receiving Jesus Christ as personal Savior and Lord then being connected to the body of believers.” - Ps. Flibert Paje
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay3
Adversities are inevitable, but they can't hinder what God has prepared for us in His time. Let's face the adverse situations coming our way with confidence that He will use them for our good.
“There are times we need to face adverse situations, but the Lord Himself has a time defined for each and every one of us.” - Ps. Cesar Castellanos
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay3
Having a real understanding of how Jesus saved us from our sins will enable us to walk worthy of the calling we have received. Being a Christian is not just a title; it is a way of life that involves daily repentance and inner transformation. And with the privilege of being chosen by God, we are called to do the will of the Father by the grace, strength and favor that are being supplied to us through the Holy Spirit everyday.
“Why is it so important to understand redemption? Because it is impossible for you to live the Christian life in a victorious way if you had not gone through the experience of the cross.” - Ps. Cesar Castellanos
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay3
What we have and who are right now come from God who is our great Provider. So in humility, let us always bring back the honor and glory to Him alone.
“I said to the Lord, 'Lord I wanna make a covenant with you. Of all the things that You ever give me, I will acknowledge that it's not because of my strength, but by Your grace and favor.” - Ps. Cesar Castellanos
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay3
“We have no choice and no option. We must produce new leaders and better leaders amidst this pandemic.” - Bs. Oriel M. Ballano
The pandemic may have restricted our actions physically, but it does not and cannot prevent us from growing the ministry. Growth demands new and better leaders. Leadership-powered ministry is a must.
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay3
“If we want to produce new leaders, we need to have better leaders because they are the ones that will implement the church strategies.” - Bs. Oriel M. Ballano
High-tech equipment, good structure, strategies and the likes are nothing if leadership in churches are not stable. There is no other choice, and we have no other option but to develop new and raise better leaders for the growth and fruitfulness of our ministries.
#G12PHBeFruitful21 #G12PHBeFruitfulDay3
You are a seed that was chosen, planted, and taken care of by God. Because you are connected to the Source of life, you are capable to bear so much fruit and multiply. No storm can ever break or destroy you, for God protects, anoints, and bless every area of your life. Therefore, go and be fruitful and bring glory to the One true God!
Credits: G12 PH and family